NAMA Architects offer a complete array of architectural, lighting and object design, as well as market research, construction and project management services on an integrated basis.

From conceptualizing to constructing, we’re ready to design your architectural dream. We promise a client-centric approach that empowers ideas, eases concerns, and delivers quality craftsmanship we’ll all be proud of.


Concept Design

Through the analysis of the site, the surroundings as well as the client’s needs we approach the concept of any new space we want to create. We aim to design unique functional spaces that will last in time. We believe that the beauty of living and playing in nature can also be achieved in the “confined” areas of a well-designed building. We love our work and our biggest reward is happy people that enjoy everyday useful spaces, tailored-designed for them.


With more than 20 years of experience in construction our company is proud to have completed many projects successfully. Our company employs architects, civil engineers, designers and more than 40 expert technicians of various specialties in order to ensure a long-lasting quality in construction along with value-for-money solutions for all our clients. We maintain big warehouses with construction materials, private trucks and lots of industrial tools that serve us in our goal to achieve fast and low-cost results. Other than utilizing our projects, we also partner with fellow architectural studios that trust us with their designs in order to execute them with the same care we treat ours.

Lighting Design

Natural as well as artificial light is the most important factor on the way we perceive any indoor space or building. We consume lots of time and energy in the design process so as to find the most suitable solution on how light will enter the spaces we create, based on various criteria. Light can alter in a dramatic way the user’s experience in a space. That is why we have created a dedicated company about it. Click here to check by yourselves.

Object Design

In most of our projects we implement custom-made bespoke products, such as furniture or works of art, in order to fully integrate with the space they will be related to. We employ experienced craftsmen and artists using all the latest and available technologies, such as 3d-printers and CnC machinery that allow us to construct any creation. We maintain in our facilities a research and development department with experienced sculptors and mold makers so we can ensure the quality control of the final products.

Project Management

Without a doubt effective project management is essential for every project in order to get the ultimate result. We employ 5 project managers that use online tools to measure the cost efficiency of the company’s works on a daily basis. We keep track of each project in order to be delivered both on time and on budget.

Market Research

We firmly believe in the added value architecture can bring to a building, a city or even a country, as long as the market is ready for it. We promote and work on investments that will be prosperous for their investors. Except for our experience and our constant updating on real estate issues we use practical tools that will make our customers make data-driven decisions.